Here is my latest fan-art wallpaper which I done after watching the 93th episodes of Inuyasha anime. Quite a good anime I'd say, although the story plot is quite simple, unlike Eureka 7 and Gundam series. At some point if I were to watch 2~3 episode in one shot I'll feel abit boring because the story pattern (on some episode) for each episode is quite the same. For rating I'll give 3.8 over 5.
I really impress on their background paintings, very well done and beautiful. The grass blades is painted in great detail, rocks and slides shows their characteristics while sky shows the beautiful scene when the sunset came.
I wish I could draw like that too.
So to potray their journey and their world, I create this wallpaper. The wallpaper is designed so that they just take a break from an event (let it be,say, after fighting with "Naraku" people). Inuyasha is tired after fighting so he decide to rest just here, and his friends agree. Inuyasha just about to sleep, while Kagome and Sango watch Shippo and Kirara playing together. Miroku watch the sky dreaming about new girl she just recently met.
Heh hows my story? Pretty good eh?
Supposely Shippo and Kirara is chasing a ball while Inuyasha suppose to hold his Tetsusaiga, but I just let it be.
Below is a step by step progress on how I did the characters and the background.
Final results as the first picture above.Color level tweak was done, add some haze below the mountain, add some shines over the characters, and add some sunshine between the clouds. If you look carefully the character pose and lineart is slightly different in the final result as I fix them after I've been commented about the unnaturalness of Kagome and Sango hand pose. I've also re-draw the lineart of all the characters except Kirara (the cat) to make it look crisp and sharper.
I think that all about it. Until my next artwork, bye~
I think that all about it. Until my next artwork, bye~