Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Busy busy busy~!!

Waaahh lately I got almost no time to do my 3d, cause of many work to be done :

Golf - 2 Group Assignment, 1 Individual Assignment, Quiz 2 next week
Msian Studies - Group Presentation, weekly quiz
Pendidikan Islam - 1 Group thesis/assignment
Information theory - weekly quiz, midterm test
Web Prog - 1 Group assignment - create 10page - webpage

and Plus :
My father - He told me that he want me to create website for his office.
2 client - Ask me to create fashion based flash portal, 2 in 2 weeks dateline man!!!

wahahah can I do all of this???

btw, a screenshot of my recent Malaysian studies documentary introduction ( the group assignment) created with After Effects CS3

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